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4 Maintenance Tips for Your Hydraulic Hammer - Bonovo


The lack of routine maintenance for hydraulic hammers means that your machine will spend more time performing unnecessary maintenance and repairs. You may also reduce the life of the hydraulic hammer. With regular maintenance, you can keep your hydraulic crusher in peak performance. Here are four maintenance tips that can be incorporated into your daily work for your hydraulic crusher.

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4 tips for hydraulic hammer maintenance


Complete routine visual examination

Visual inspection of hydraulic hammers for excessive wear only takes a few minutes, but because this is a very simple step, it is often overlooked. Every time the machine is used, it should be inspected for appearance. This is a necessary step in the maintenance of hydraulic hammer. This quick inspection will help you identify any worn or nearly damaged parts, which can help prevent unexpected downtime. It's much easier to plan regular maintenance than to deal with broken machines.

Check hydraulic hose

The length and path of hydraulic hoses should be correct. Hose too short will limit extension of hydraulic hammer attachment. However, the hose is too long and could jam the machine or other debris. Therefore, making sure that each hose is the correct length will help to maximize hose protection and keep all operations efficient.

Oil the hydraulic hammer fittings

This is the most important maintenance task of hydraulic crusher. Refueling can be done manually or through an automatic refueling system. Some hydraulic crushers must be lubricated manually, so be sure to follow any manufacturer's guidelines. However, automated systems can save time and money and reduce the impact on the environment.

Checking nitrogen pressure

The proper nitrogen charging pressure depends on how you use the hydraulic crusher and the temperature of the operating environment. Check the operation and maintenance manual for more information on optimal nitrogen pressure for your operating conditions. If you need help with this, please contact hydraulic crusher Service.

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By following these four routine maintenance steps, you can extend the life of your hydraulic crusher and avoid expensive repairs. You can also reduce unplanned downtime by performing these scheduled maintenance tasks. If you would like to learn more about hydraulic crusher, be sure to contact Bonovo today!